HDDSCViewer Changelog
version 1.0 20220212
* Added the option to load a domain
* Log and domain file names are displayed
* Block information is shown in display
version 0.9.beta 20190901
* Added the option Show high time
version 0.8.beta 20190901
* Fixed a memory leak
* Added information to the user manual
version 0.7.alpha 20181204
* Reduceded the number of available languages for translation
* Improved the processing speed when scrolling
* Added additional main grid sizes
* Fixed a bug where some blocks were not correct status
version 0.6.1-alpha 20180714
* The installer now puts a link in the application menu
version 0.6-alpha 20170903
* Removed some code that was causing a library error
version 0.5-alpha 20170629
* Added language packs
version 0.4-alpha 20161015
* Fixed a console error message with GTK
version 0.3-alpha 20160905
* Changed the name from HDDViewer to HDDSCViewer
* Added multiple language support
* Added the option Highlight good data
version 0.2-alpha 20160731
* Added support for newer ddrescue map files
version 0.1-alpha 20160707
* Initial release